Wednesday, July 9, 2008

7-8-08 Day 11 Dawson Creek to Muncho Lake

On the road at 7:10, temp about 50 and sunny. We get on the AlCan with the heresay telling us to expect gravel, potholes hat swallow RV's, etc. Well let me tell you it's BS. The road continues to be pretty dam good for being in the middle of no where. Yes there are very occasional gravel patches but they are well graded. Sometimes they have signs but not always and the tricky part is the gravel is the same color as the pavement so t blends in. As long as you stay alert it'snot a problem. If your in a 4 wheeler you have zero to worry about. The biggest concern is wildfire as it's abundant. We saw a few bear, moose, caribou, deer & mountain goats which are generally in the road in packs and are generally around the rock outcropping along the mountainside where the road is cut into the mountain. Todays pic is the road along Muncho Lake with the mountain on the right and of course the lake just a couple feet below the road. Lakes up here go on for miles & miles! We ended up having rain for the last half hour of the day but the temp had been up to about 60 but dropped back to 50 when the rain came. Our hotel tonight is very secluded. There is no power lines here. The power is from generators and everything else is via satellite. Cell service is non existant and probably will be til we get to Fairbanks.
An observation that has come to me is the anti developement/greenies/global warming people that say our carbon footprint is out of control. I challenge any of them to take the ride that we've done for the last 8 days and explain to me that we're in trouble. You can not imagine the enormity of our planet. Yes there are areas that may be over developed but look at the big picture. There is a truth to the saying See America/World at Sea Level! Flying does not give you any feel of what the world has to offer!

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