Monday, July 7, 2008

7-7-08 Day 10 Morning Snippets

Up at 6:20 to a bright sun that's drying things out nicely. Tom is having breakfast and will be heading out to the Harley shop. This mornings pic is a first for Tom. He told us yesterday that he's never ridden on the back of a motorcycle!!!!!!! Congratulations Tom!

Tom affectionately calls his bike "Old Red" as it's a 1984 Electra Glide and of course it's red. Well "Old Red" is being tested to its limits and after today there's nearly 2000 miles to the next Harley shop. Old Red has not died on the road but it has slowed the pace at times. We're hoping that this is the end of Toms trials & tribulations and all goes well from here. Our goal today is to make it to Dawson Creek, BC. We have 6 days including today to be in Fairbanks to meet the fly babes. Stay tuned!

10 AM update - Toms back with the part and its installed! We should be on the road within a half hour! Dawson creek here we come!


Zeek said...

Hope everyone is well. I look forward to Tom and your posts. Tell Tom....It's time for a Goldwing, he's getting too old to keep overhauling that thing, ummmm,well, I guess it does keep the Harly shops wealthy....Have fun,and Tom, don't forget my hat !!


William Kenny said...

Checking in and following along, between the great words and the superlative photos, is just terrific!

Practically feel like I'm there-which is what I'm telling the wife when she sees me wearing the rain poncho in the computer room.

Keep going-have fun and post often!

Bill Kenny

bobnoxious said...

Love the daily updates!

Evert, the smile on your face says it all!! it looks like you're having a blast [i]despite[/i] the mechanical challenges.

Ride safe!


Anonymous said...

My name is Jeff Alling and I was born and raised in Saunders Point in East Lyme and have lived in North Pole,just outside of Fairbanks for 27 years. I have a construction outfit and we have a 50 x 80 shop attached to our office. If you need a place to work on your bikes let me know and I would be happy to help out. My business partner is a street biker along with some of the people who work for me. The Company is "Alcan Builders Inc" 456-1383 here in Fairbanks. Luck on the rest of your trip. Jeff

Evert said...

Thanks for keeping up everyone.

Jeff - Thanks for the offer. If we ned it will look you up but everything went well today and hopefully will stay that way.